In any robust process, a set of standards is accompanied by a complaints procedure. Along with codes development and education, we deal with over 500 complaints a year about advertising content and placement.
Here are some helpful suggestions if you receive a complaint about your advertising:
1) Don’t panic and don’t take it personally.
2) Carefully read the complaint – the ASA needs a response to the issues raised.
3) Read our online guide about responding to a complaint and you may like to use the advertiser response form.
4) If you would like clarification or help, please contact the ASA.
5) If you decide to remove or change the advertisement based on matters raised in the complaint, let the ASA know.
6) Some of the complaints may raise what could considered minor or technical issues, however, if we contact you, the Chair of the Complaints Board has ruled there is a case to answer. It would be appreciated if you could engage with the process and provide a quality response.
7) Your best defence is being prepared – have substantiation for any claims available and be confident about your target audience and ad placement.
Thank you for your on-going support of advertising self-regulation.