The human cost has been monumental, the social impacts have been immense and the speed of change at which we have been forced to operate as businesses and shop as consumers has created a shift the magnitude of which we have never experienced.
The demand is now for expertise to help companies revise plans, accelerate digital transformations and pivot business models. Digital skills which are now critical in reaching customers and for business continuity just became "must have" skill sets. Additionally, financial expertise to help plan cash flows alongside HR talent to manage employee morale and guide businesses to manage major changes just grew overnight.
The customer remains the key to success, with many businesses renewing focus on ways to interact, entertain and "be useful". Brands will triumph during this period if they optimise their entire user experience from how customers engage, find products, evaluate, purchase, and use them. The demand for skill sets that enable the digitalised customer journey will be highly sought after.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes into play to assist consumers in evaluating their purchases with video reviews, etc. and content marketing, SEO, design, and videography will become increasingly important.
Companies will be moving forward by focussing on these skill sets and will look to fill the gaps with "contractors" in order to execute these projects and be as agile as possible. Where headcount remains an issue, but plans need to be implemented, contracting in resource is a viable way to deliver on business imperatives with a responsible fiscal lens.
Oh, how our world has just opened up...