Google Analytics 4

Our Google Analytics 4
workshop held in Auckland,
Christchurch, Wellington, and Online.

Welcome to the new and improved analytics platform- Google Analytics 4. With the launch of GA4, businesses can take a significant step forward in powerful data insights for better decision making.

GA4 is a revamped analytics system, with better reporting than what used to be available in the previous Universal Google Analytics. Are you and your organisation using this new platform to the best of its ability?

Join facilitator Graeme Douglas, and get a crash course on this new analytics platform. Gain a better understanding on the most effective use of these new tools, and focus on the critical metrics that can make a big difference to you in your role as a marketer.

Online Course structure
A live session will be held once each week over 4 weeks. The facilitator will present that week's topic live online with other participants. There will also be activities and resources to support your learning.

Professionally Certified Digital Marketer


MA Members: $595 + GST
Non-Members: $895 + GST

Special rates available for students*, registered charities and multiple bookings. Contact us.

This is a core course to become a
Professionally Certified Digital Marketer

Learning Outcomes

You'll learn about

  • How GA4 works
  • Overview of best practice setup/configuration of GA4
  • The differences of Universal Google Analytics and GA4
  • Overview of the standard reports and segments

Who Should Attend

  • Want to understand how to assess the performance of their marketing campaigns
  • Want to start using GA4 to prioritise website changes
  • Want to use data to understand to drive more decision making
  • Want to better understand how their digital agencies are performing

Facilitator, Graeme Douglas

Senior Engagement Manager, Media.Monks

Graeme works as a Senior Engagement Manager for Media.Monks, digital-first marketing, advertising, and technology services company that connects content, data and digital media and technology services. 


Google Analytics 4: Choose Your Date and Location

Google Analytics 4

The Standard Google Analytics is phasing out, and Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is here to take its place. Get a crash course on this new analytics platform and and focus on the critical metrics that can make a big difference to you in your role as a marketer.


12:30pm - 2:00pm


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Google Analytics 4

The Standard Google Analytics is phasing out, and Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is here to take its place. Get a crash course on this new analytics platform and and focus on the critical metrics that can make a big difference to you in your role as a marketer.


9:00am - 5:00pm


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Graeme was great, incredibly knowledgeable and generous with his knowledge.

past attendee 2024

Great course to get to grips on GA4 with hands on exposure and a small class size so you can ask questions relevant to your needs.

annalese, meridian energy 2024

Wonderful experience of being at the event. Lovely people, great facilitator, super knowledgeable. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

past attendee 2024

A hands on approach from Graeme that let us work through different features in GA4 for ourselves. The provided slide deck with external links/learning was also greatly appreciated.

past attendee 2024
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Digital is an essential part of the job for marketers – and it’s critical to keep up with the latest trends and technologies in the field. Ensure you're up to speed with a Professional Certification in Digital Marketing.

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