
Become a Partner of the MA.

Interested in partnering with the MA? Take a look below and get in touch to discuss endless opportunities we can create by partnering together. 



members across brand, service providers, suppliers and agencies.


out of 10 NZX companies are members.


(and growing) social media followers on Facebook and LinkedIn.


years of experience, driving brilliant marketing.

Why Partner with us?

Partnerships and sponsorships are widely recognised as highly effective marketing channels and sales lead generators.

Not only are you creating an association that your audience will benefit from at a surface level but we can tailor specific packages to help you meet your goals and ensure the growth of your business now and in the future.

Partnering with the Marketing Association is a fantastic way to raise your company's profile and create greater awareness of your brand among New Zealand marketers.

With us, we'll make sure that your brand or business enjoys a full suite of benefits by targeting the right people with a message that's true to your voice and underpins your marketing strategy. 

The benefits of a brilliant partnership

MA-check-box    6,000 attendees

on average per year across events and conferences.

MA-check-box    4 key locations

delivering in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington & Christchurch. 

MA-check-box    72% of Members

have at least 7 years experience in marketing.

MA-check-box    11,000 people

is the average reach for each of our emails.

MA-check-box    Over 55,000

page views across our website every month.

MA-check-box    The largest organisation

for marketing professionals in New Zealand.

A few ways you can partner with the MA

Premier Conference Sponsor

The MA run a number of highly successful, packed out conferences throughout the year. Organisations often choose the conference most relevant to them as a business, and become the premier sponsor for that conference. Some sponsor benefits includes:

Sponsorship Benefits:

  • Your brand will be known as the Premier Sponsor of the chosen conference.
  • Highest brand visibility and positioning - Visual and verbal acknowledgement as Premier Sponsor.
  • Sponsor logo will be present in all promotion of the conference.
  • Invitation to supply branded content.
  • VIP table at the conference, (8 tickets). Fantastic way to host top clients or reward your team.
  • Short sponsor address to the audience at a key point during the event.
  • Opportunity to put forward a speaker (preferably a client case study). NB: Final speaker approval is given by the MA and is not guaranteed.
  • Opportunity to create a sponsor branded area in pre-function space, (includes 2 exhibitor tickets).
  • Attendee list (excl. contact details). The MA is happy to make introductions to specific people.
  • Sponsor may run an interactive activation to capture data (subject to MA and venue approval).
  • Premier Sponsor may provide branded notepads and pens for attendees. *Design to be pre-approved by the MA.

Exhibitor Conference Sponsor

If you don't want to be a premier sponsor for a conference, we do offer exhibitor spaces for relevant organisations as a way to connect and engage with our audiences throughout the conference day. This may be a stand where you offer a prize or something to that effect. Some benefits includes:

  • 2 tickets for the conference
  • Verbal recognition by event MC and logo on event AV
  • Branding on the event website page
  • 3x1.5m exhibitor space with trestle table, two chairs and power point
  • Opportunity to do a business card prize draw at your stand to capture leads

Networking Drinks Sponsor

For both attendees and sponsors, the networking component of any event is where the magic happens! It’s the informal conversations and connections that builds networks and often leads to the best future opportunities.

By sponsoring the networking drinks, you are guaranteed the biggest brand presence during this time. You and your team will be seen as the hosts of the drinks, with the opportunity to say a few words to the audience, and for your team to be there to network.

Content Sponsor - 12 month partnership

Exclusive sponsorship of one Content Area in MA’s Resource Centre for 12 months, allowing you as a sponsor to establish yourself as a thought leader in the chosen field and sharing your expertise with MA’s members and wider database.

Sponsorship benefits:
Sponsor to provide content that the MA can share via our social media channels, newsletter and website. This includes the option to ‘gated’ content. This is only available to you as a sponsor. You will also have first right of renewal for the chosen Resource Centre for the subsequent 12 months.

Solus Emails to MA's Third-Party Email Database

The MA has a large loyal database of email subscribers who enjoy receiving quality content and updates from their association. An email to MA’s database of marketers is a great way to supplement your campaign and get your message in front of this key audience. These emails are often used for new product or services launches, to share whitepapers, etc. Do note: The MA reserves all rights to decline content that directly competes with MA offerings. Some key stats: 

  • 13,000 approx. subscribers 
  • 25% average open rate of a solus
  • 4.41% average click-through-rate of a solus email 

Sunrise Session - Supplier Workshop

The Sunrise Sessions were introduced in late 2015 and have proven extremely popular with both MA members and suppliers. Free to attend for members, the workshops provide an opportunity for suppliers to present to and share their expertise with an audience of marketers.

The purpose of the workshops is to generate greater brand awareness for the sponsor, position the sponsor as a thought-leader, as well as to upskill and educate the marketing community.

Attendance numbers: 70-80 approximately (Auckland), 50-70 (outside Auckland).

Let's make magic.

Whether you're filled to the brim with great ideas or you're not quite sure how to start just yet, get in touch with us today and we'll work with you to create a beneficial partnership opportunity. 

get in touch

Our Principal Business Partners