We have a wide range of directories and services available for businesses and consumers, including the advice line for member organisations.
This directory contains a list of Marketing Association members who are marketing agencies or suppliers who have committed to best practice marketing.
search directoryWe're here to help our members stay on the right side of the many laws that affect marketing and marketers. Call or message us today and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.
Let's talkIf you are a professional marketer committed to best practice, keep reading... Here you can find out how to access and use the Name Suppression Lists.
Find out moreIf you have a sticker on your mailbox that reads Addressed Mail Only, No Circulars or something similar and you're receiving unaddressed advertising mail, you can report this by emailing the complaints department of the major distribution company.
Find out moreAs a consumer, you have rights under the Law that protect you, but you also need to take precautions when buying from home by mail, telephone or Internet.
Find out moreThe Marketing Association offers a number of free services for consumers because we understand that, with the best will in the world, occasionally things can go wrong.
Find out moreThe Data Warranted logo means that your personal information is treated with respect and absolute privacy, in accordance with best-practice standards and New Zealand law.
Find out moreThe Data Warranty Register (DWR) is a self-regulatory system that provides best-practice transparency relating to the collection, storage and use of marketing data by New Zealand businesses.
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