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Name Suppression Service.

If you're a professional marketer who's committed to best practice, keep reading...

In many countries around the world, Governments operate compulsory suppression services which must be accessed before running outbound marketing campaigns by mail or phone. In New Zealand, this service is provided by the Marketing Association (MA).

Best Practise marketers around the world avoid upsetting consumers who do not wish to be contacted via unsolicited mail and phone communications. The MA Name Suppression lists contain contact details of over 150,00 consumers in the Do Not Mail (DNM), Do Not Call (DNC) data. Subscribers to the service can also access the official Deaths Information files provide by the Government Registrar. This file contains the details of every person who has died in the last 3 years.

Each list can be subscribed to and downloaded separately and are to be used solely for the purpose of suppressing names from outbound marketing communications.

Subscribe to our Name Suppression Service and greatly reduce the risk of damaging your brand by contacting the families of people who have died, or people who do not want to be contacted.


Do Not Call

  • Has been operating for over 20 years
  • Contains over 160,000 records
  • Records domestic landline phone subscribers plus mobile from 2018
  • Includes Postal DPID field where there is a match with the PAF
  • Includes postal address

Do Not Mail

  • This list has been operating for over 25 years
  • It contains over 100,000 records
  • Includes Postal DPID field where there is a match with PAF

Deaths Information List

  • Contains 3 years of historical data
  • Data sourced from DIA - Births, Deaths and Marriages division 
  • Includes Postal DPID field where there is a match with the PAF

Subscriber Structure and Charges

Customer List Owner

For Companies, charities, research companies and/or organisations that use the Do Not Mail, Do Not Call Lists or Deaths Index to suppress contacts from their own database and is strictly for internal use by the Customer List Owner.

Data Service Providers

For use by list brokers, list owners who on-sell data, database service providers, or any organisation which uses the NSS to suppress names from their clients' databases and is strictly for internal use by the Data Service Provider.

Customer List Owner

Death Index

$4194.00 +GST Non-Member
$3145.50 +GST Member

Do Not Call List

$1678.00 +GST Non-Member
$1258.50 +GST Member

Do Not Mail List

$1678.00 +GST Non-Member
$1258.50 +GST Member

Data Service Provider

Death Index

$5521.00 +GST Non-Member
$4140.75 +GST Member

Do Not Call List

$1994.00 +GST Non-Member
$1495.50 +GST Member

Do Not Mail List

$1994.00 +GST Non-Member
$1495.50 +GST Member

Terms & Conditions of NSS

  1. The Marketing Association will supply the DNM, DNC or Deaths Information to the NSS Subscriber on receipt of a signed subscriber agreement and after payment of the designated annually renewable fee.
  2. The DNM and DNC files can be downloaded by authorised subscribers at any time.
  3. The Deaths Information will be updated monthly and subscribers will be advised when it is available.
  4. The data or information furnished under this Agreement is for the use of: (a) a list owner who is an NSS Subscriber and will not be duplicated or made available to any other person, in whole or part in any form or manner whatsoever, except after obtaining written permission from the Marketing Association. (b) an NSS Subscriber who is a Data Service Provider acting as an agent on behalf of their client/s, e.g. a List-broker, mail-house or bureau managing lists on behalf of multiple clients, who will not duplicate the NSS or make it available to any other person, in whole or in part in any form or manner whatsoever, except after obtaining written permission from the Marketing Association.
  5. The DNM and DNC tiles are is supplied for suppression purposes only. NSS Subscribers shall either: (a) flag records as "NSS Do Not Send" or similar on their internal database and exclude such flagged records from all unsolicited outbound communication selections, or (b) programmatically match and exclude from any unsolicited outbound communication files prior to output. At no time shall the NSS list or NSS-flagged records be specifically included in whole or part in any database selection.
  6. The NSS file may not be used for vetting/validating any inbound communication, i.e. specifically filtering or checking an incoming name against the database.
  7. The NSS is 'seeded' (dummy names included on the Register) to enable the Marketing Association to monitor both the mail delivery service and list usage.
  8. While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied, the Marketing Association accepts no liability for inaccuracy of information.
  9. The NSS Subscriber shall obtain the approval of the Marketing Association prior to any wording relating to the use of the NSS appearing in print or on the NSS Subscriber's website.
  10. In the event that the NSS Subscriber discontinues access to the NSS or does not renew their annual fee they shall within 14 days destroy all NSS data and documentation, remove any NSS database flags and give written confirmation to the Marketing Association that this action has occurred.
  11. NSS Subscribers are required to have an audit procedure in place to ensure that no NSS data is ever included in a final mail/output file. Details of the audit procedure must be supplied by subscribers to the Name Removal Manager, Marketing Association, PO Box 137266, Parnell, Auckland 1151, or emailed to contactus@marketing.org.nz prior to the NSS being supplied. We recommend that all records relating to the use of the NSS, including audit trails, be kept for 12 calendar months.
  12. The Marketing Association, or its appointed agent/s, may conduct a random audit of the NSS Subscriber's use and implementation of the NSS. Refer to General comments relating to audits above.
  13. The Department of Internal Affairs reserves the right to conduct a random audit of the Marketing Association's Name Removal Service practices and procedures.
  14. Any breach of the above Terms & Conditions will be regarded as a breach of contract and may be referred to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

Special thanks to Data Insight for their support
