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Resource Hub. - Helena Woo

Our resources are dedicated to bolster your learning and provide you with insightful content and templates to help you in your career and marketing role.

Thank you to our content partners

Pure SEO

The Sunk Cost Fallacy: A Marketing Opportunity

Put simply, the ‘sunk cost effect’ is any expenditure we’ve already made and that we’re unable to...

How Priming Influences Consumer Decisions

These ‘hidden’ influences – things that affect our judgment, actions or motivations – are what we...

6 Ways to Increase Engagement with the Anchoring Bias

Your initial thought is that the cookie seems like a good price and a wise snack choice. There’ll...

Planning for Disaster: How to keep your brand safe online

It's more important than ever for companies to be aware of where their brands are going and what's...

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