Creating a space for seasoned professionals and aspiring students to connect and learn is invaluable in the dynamic marketing world. Devanshi, Director of Marketing Events at the Marketing & Design Collective (MDC), reflects on a successful collaboration with the Marketing Association (MA) that brought this vision to life. Read more in the article below to know more.

"Marketers. They come with various levels of experience, come from a range of different degrees/backgrounds, specialise in diverse types of marketing, and have had different journeys to where they are today. Creating an opportunity where different marketers, such as student marketers and marketing professionals, are able to engage and learn from each other sounded like it could be an epic event - so that’s exactly what happened last month, with the first MA x MDC event being hosted at the Marketing Association!

Featuring a panel of young marketers who shared their experiences of entering the marketing industry, the event saw 70+ students soak up lots of practical tips and share lots of laughs.

It was a rewarding experience being part of the MDC (Marketing & Design Collective) executive team, which collaborated with the MA to bring this event idea to life. Listening to the amazing panel, which was moderated by Shavawn Jacobsen, the 2023 Up-and-Coming Marketer of the Year, and consisted of Jeanne Kim from Tonkin+Taylor, Krista Fortzer-Bezar from ColensoBBDO, Thomas Siemsen from AA, and Kelvin O'Young from Mitre10, was thought-provoking and inspiring.

Being a student who is becoming closer to graduating with each passing day can bring up various questions - what is the marketing industry like, what types of marketing roles are even out there, how does one even start and get their foot in the door - the list goes on. I, along with other marketing students, have had multiple discussions about being uncertain of the exact route we would take. There are endless opportunities within the industry, which is great, though at the same time, can make the process seem overwhelming. Therefore, having the opportunity to hear marketers already in the industry share their distinct journeys, how they overcame obstacles, and advice on navigating the marketing world felt comforting and reassuring.

There were countless valuable insights shared on the night, but three key takeaways that resonated with me are:

  1. Don’t underestimate the value that comes from activities you think aren’t so relevant - there is something to learn from every task and role, no matter how ‘small’ or aimless they may seem at the beginning. Also, remember that your first job does not need to be where you end up for the next four decades of your life - the various experiences you have along the way are often necessary to help prepare and equip you with the skills required to navigate the path that ultimately does lead you to where you want to be.
  2. Build a strong network. This is likely heard from every networking event, but it’s only repeated so much because it is true. You don’t know what you don’t know, and making connections, whether that be professionals, classmates, lecturers, or colleagues, can expose you to experiences and knowledge you would never expect. There is so much to learn from others, so try to make the most out of every interaction.
  3. Do something you like. This may seem obvious, but you would be surprised by the number of people who have ‘forced’ themselves down a path because it was regarded as ‘better’ societally, or because their friends/the majority were doing it. It is your life and your career - you are the one who has to do the job, so what’s the point if you aren’t enjoying it yourself? Again, linking to the first point - this does not need to be your ultimate career destination, but just make sure your own interests and passions are what is driving you along the way.

Overall, I found it a fantastic event where I was able to learn from a range of marketers who provided marketing insights from B2B, social media, Martec, and brand perspectives. Thank you to the MA team (Lone Tapp, Danielle Chevriot, John Miles and more) for their support in co-hosting this event, as well as to the event sponsors Mosh Social Media, Pals, and Proper Pizza - this event would not have been possible without you all. I cannot wait to have the new experiences that await me in my marketing journey, and that includes engaging in further opportunities with the Marketing Association!"

Source: Devanshi, 29 July 2024