After attending an engaging workshop on B2B marketing disruption hosted by the Marketing Association and led by facilitator Steve Ballentyne, Sobia Mughal, emerged with a fresh perspective. The discussions and real-world examples sparked her creativity, pushing her to challenge the norm and embrace change in the industry. Read her key takeaways below, promising to inspire creativity and drive transformation within the field.

You know how it is, eh? Working in B2B marketing in little ol' New Zealand, it's easy to fall into the same old traps. Play it too safe, and you'll blend into the background.

That's the vibe we got from the workshop.

It was great reminder that our brains are hardwired to clock anything a bit different or out of the ordinary. Smart visual marketing, videos that cut through the clutter, positioning that zigs while others zag - that's the good stuff that'll get your B2B buyers sitting up and taking notice. But the real aha moment? You don't have to be the biggest dog to steal the show. Nah, instead of busting a gut trying to be "better" than your competitors, just,...ah, be different. When you embrace that contrarian spirit, you'll turn heads like nobody's business.

Although there were many key takeaways, here are the top 5: 
  1. Find your difference, then add some drama: The example that stuck? Trade Me Property's recent tongue-in-cheek video starring sales director, Gavin Lloyd and Josh Vegan. When you highlight what makes you unique, you'll turn heads.
  2. Don’t ignore the “forgotten fegment”: There's an untapped market waiting for you, but you've got to get boots on the ground. Watching customer interviews yourself (instead of relying on hearsay) can uncover insights into what people really hate or love about your category.
  3. Understand B2B emotional drivers: In the business world, buyers crave ease, esteem, and a sense of glory. Emotions rive actions.How can you tap into those basic human needs? Make sure your product works and serves the basic before all the bells and whistles!
  4. Try disruptive honesty: If you're the second player in your market, own it! The classic Avis "We Try Harder" campaign shows there's power in a fresh, honest positioning.
  5. Nurture a curious mindset: Whether B2C or B2B, the most disruptive marketers never stop learning. Stay open to feedback, criticism, and new perspectives as you craft a positioning that shakes up the status quo.

At the end of the day, we're a nation of innovators and tall-poppy-slayers. So why should our B2B marketing settle for bland, cookie-cutter approaches? A little disruption can go a very long way in the land of the long white cloud.

Source: Sobia Mughal, Chair of MA B2B SIG

Proof-read by Claude, Ai