The Marketing Association’s Compliance Consultant Keith Norris has been working with the MA data special interest group and several other organisations representing businesses and charities to make a formal submission to the Justice Select Committee on the Privacy Amendment bill.

Read the Privacy Amendment bill here.

This bill, if passed into law, will affect any organisation which collects personal information from a third party. It means that any organisation renting, buying or exchanging consumer data must inform each person that their details have been collected.

Small businesses and charities in particular, will be seriously affected by the extra costs and business processes incurred.

The MA’s formal submission makes several recommendations to the parliamentary Select Committee on behalf of all New Zealand organisations. Here are a couple of extracts:

  1. Registered charities should be exempt from the requirements of the proposed IPP 3A. and that strong consideration be given to extending the exemption to small business.
  2. Personal contact information obtained from a third party which is the subject of a single use agreement should be exempt from the requirements of the proposed IPP 3A.

You can read the entire submission here - Submission to the Justice Select Committee on 'The Privacy Amendment Bill'

This could be an ideal time for you to check out how the MA’s Name Suppression Services may help you mitigate the effects of this legislation.

Source: Marketing Association, 1 July 2024